- 22Nov2014
Excel shortcuts: Tips and tricks to speed up in Excel
Learning Excel keyboard shortcuts will improve your speed and productivity in a big way. Most of the daily routines in the excel worksheets can be done using keyboard shortcuts. This blog contains nearly all the shortcuts which can be helpful while working with Excel.
Excel shortcuts and tips:
How to know the Excel shortcut key combinations (Alt + []):
Shortcut keys can be accessed by hitting ‘Alt’ key on the keyboard. After hitting ‘Alt’ key, the next combination keyword will appear on Excel ribbon as shown in the image below.
If we type ‘Alt+F’, it will take us to ‘File’ tab. If we hit ‘Alt+H’ then this shortcut key will take us to ‘Home’ tab and so on. Similarly you can type in the combination depending on the operation you want to perform.
Let us take the example of Home tab and see how we can speed up our actions with Shortcut commands.
We hit ‘Alt+H’ key to enter into the Home tab. As we can see from the image above the next set of keywords appeared. We need to hit the required keyword to complete the action. For example, to center align the cell text we need to hit ‘AC’. To Merge and Center, we need to hit ‘M’ key.
Here are the few list of keyboard shortcuts that are used very frequently in Home tab:
- ‘Alt+H+B+A’ – To draw a thin border
- ‘Alt+H+FC’ – To change the text color
- ‘Alt+H+AM’ – To middle align the text
- ‘Alt+H+W’ – To wrap text
To clear contents of the cell. Select the cell and hit ‘Alt+H+E’ to enter into sub menu of ‘Clear’ section. Now, select the required key, Hit ‘A’ (i.e. Alt+H+E+A) to clear all as shown in the image below.
To access ‘sort and filter’ hit ‘Alt+H+S’ to enter into sub menu. Now, select the required key stroke. Similarly, we can combine the keystrokes as needed and suggested.
Basic shortcut commands
Most frequently used shortcut keys for excel in windows are mentioned below.
Shift+F10 – simulates right mouse button
Ctrl+C – Copy contents of selected cells
Ctrl+X – Cut contents of selected cells
Ctrl+V – Paste content from clipboard into selected cell
Ctrl+Z – Undo last action
Ctrl+Y – Redo last action
Ctrl+Alt+V – Displays the Paste Special dialog box
Navigating across worksheets
Arrow Keys – Move one cell up, down, left, or right in a sheet
Alt+Page Down/Alt+Page Up – Move one screen to the right / to the left in a sheet
Page Down/Page Up – Move one screen down / one screen up in a sheet
Tab/Shift+Tab – Move one cell to the right / to the left in a sheet
Ctrl+Arrow Keys – Move to the edge of data range
Home – Move to the beginning of a row in a sheet
Ctrl+Home – Move to the beginning of a sheet
Ctrl+End – Move to the last cell with content
Ctrl+F – Display the Find and Replace dialog box
Shift+F4 – Repeat last find
Ctrl+G (or F5) – Display the ‘Go To’ dialog box
Ctrl+Arrow Left/Ctrl+Arrow Right – Move one word to the left / to the right
Home/End – Move to the beginning or to the end of a cell
Alt+Arrow Down – Display the AutoComplete list like dropdown list
End – Turn on/off ‘End’ mode, press arrow keys to move to the next nonempty cell in the same column or row, home to move to last cell, or enter to move to the last cell to the right
Basic and Advanced Cell Selections
Shift+Space – Select the entire row
Ctrl+Space – Select the entire column
Shift+Arrow Keys – Extend the selection by one cell
Shift+Page Down/Shift+Page Up – Extend the selection down one screen /up one screen
Shift+Home – Extend the selection to the beginning of the row
Ctrl+Shift+Arrow Key – Extend the selection to the last cell with content in a row or column
Ctrl+A – Select the entire sheet
Ctrl+Shift+Home – Extend the selection to the first cell of the sheet
Ctrl+Shift+End – Extend the selection to the last used cell on the sheet
Shift+Home/End – Select from the insertion point to the beginning / to the end inside the cell
Shift+Arrow Left/Arrow Right – Select or unselect one character to the left / right
Ctrl+Shift+Arrow Left/Arrow Right – Select or unselect one word to the left / to the right in the cell
Edit Cells
Ctrl+D – Fill Down Select cells with value in first row Ctrl+D fills the value of that first cell in selection to all cells in selection downwards
Ctrl+R – Fill Right: Select cell with value in first cell Ctrl+E fills value of that first cell in selection to all cells rightwards
[Ctrl+ -] – Delete Cell/Row/Column Menu
[Ctrl+Shift++] – Insert Cell/Row/Column Menu
Shift+F2 – Insert / Edit a cell comment
Shift+F10+M – Delete comment
Ctrl+K – Insert a Hyperlink
Ctrl+9 – Hide the selected rows
Ctrl+Shift+9 – Unhide any hidden rows within the selection
Ctrl+0 – Hide the selected columns
Edit Content of Cells
F2 – Edit the active cell
Enter – Complete a cell entry
Alt+Enter – Start a new line in the same cell
Shift+Enter – Complete a cell entry and move up in the selection
Tab/Shift+Tab – Complete a cell entry and move to the right / to the left in the selection
Esc – Cancel a cell entry/ selection
Ctrl+Delete – Delete text to the end of the line
[Ctrl+;] – Insert current date
[Ctrl+Shift+:] – Insert current time
[Ctrl+’] Duplicate value from cell above into current cell
Format Cells
Ctrl+1 – Open Format Cells dialog
Ctrl+Shift+F – Open Format Cells dialog with Font Tab active
Ctrl+B – Apply or remove bold formatting
Ctrl+I – Apply or remove italic formatting
Ctrl+U – Apply or remove an underline
Ctrl+5 – Apply or remove strikethrough formatting
Ctrl+Shift+~ – Apply the General number format
Ctrl+Shift+1 – Apply the Number format with two decimal places.
Ctrl+Shift+2 – Apply the Time format with the hour and minute, and indicate AM or PM
Ctrl+Shift+3 – Apply the Date format with the day, month, and year
Ctrl+Shift+4 – Apply the Currency format with two decimal places
Ctrl+Shift+5 – Apply the Percentage format
Ctrl+Shift+6 – Apply the Scientific number format with two decimal places
F4 – Repeat last formatting action
Apply Basic Borders to Cells
Ctrl+Shift+7 – Apply outline border for cell or range
[ Ctrl+Shift+_ ] – Remove outline borders from cell or range
[Alt+=] – Insert the AutoSum formula
Shift+F3 – Display the Insert Function dialog box
Ctrl+A – Display Formula Window after typing formula name
Ctrl+Shift+A – Insert Arguments in formula after typing formula name
Shift+F3 – Insert a function into a formula
Ctrl+Shift+Enter – Enter a formula as an array formula
F4 – To make reference absolute (=$A$1)
Navigate across worksheets
Ctrl+Page Down/Page Up – Move to the next / previous worksheet in current workbook
Shift+F11/Alt+Shift+F1 – Insert a new worksheet in current workbook
Ctrl+Shift+Page Up / Page Down – Select the current and previous sheet / and next sheet in a workbook
Manage Workbooks
F6/Shift+F6 – Move to the next pane / previous pane in a workbook that has been split
Ctrl+F4 – Close the selected workbook
Ctrl+N – Create a new blank workbook
Ctrl+Tab/Ctrl+Shift+Tab – Move to next / previous workbook window
Alt+Space – Display the Control menu for Main Excel window
Ctrl+F9 Minimize current workbook window
Ctrl+F10 – Maximize the selected workbook window
Ctrl+F7 – Move Workbook Windows which are not maximized
Ctrl+F8 – Perform size command for workbook windows
Alt+F4 – Close Excel Application
Pivot Tables
Alt+C – Move the selected field into the Column area
Alt+D – Move the selected field into the Data area
Alt+L – Display the PivotTable Field dialog box
Alt+P – Move the selected field into the Page area
Alt+R – Move the selected field into the Row area
Ctrl+Shift+* – Select the entire PivotTable report
Space – Select or clear a check box in the list
Ctrl+Tab/ Ctrl+Shift+Tab – Select the PivotTable toolbar
Enter then Arrow Down /Arrow Up – Select the area you want to move the selected field
Alt+Shift+Arrow Right – Group selected PivotTable items
Alt+Shift+Arrow Left – Ungroup selected PivotTable items
Various Excel Features
Ctrl+O – Open File
Ctrl+S – Save the current file with its current file name, location, and file format
F12 – Display the Save As dialog box
F10 or alt – Turn key tips on or off
Ctrl+P – Opens print menu
F1 – Displays the Excel Help
F7 – Displays the Spelling dialog box
Shift+F7 – Displays the Thesaurus dialog box
Alt+F8 – Displays the Macro dialog box
Alt+F11 – Open the Visual Basic Editor
These are the most frequently used Excel Shortcuts which are required to be quick on working with Excel. Need any more inputs on Shortcuts? Reach our Excel Expert here.
- 22 Nov, 2014
- Excel for Commerce
- Excel Consultant, Excel Expert, Excel Keyboard Shortcuts,